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ESSENADE Pregame – Orange (Pack of 50) | For Pre-Activity Consumption


Essenade Pregame is a well-harmonized fuel for an endurance event with a combination of carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B6. This pre-activity consumption enhances endurance performance by increasing blood glucose, sparing muscle glycogen and liver glycogen. The blend of ingredients ensures a constant energy release, making it ideal for athletes seeking sustained energy and optimal performance during their activities.

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Product Info:

Essenade Pregame is recommended for pre-activity consumption, preferably before 3 hours. Carbohydrates in the Essenade Pregame consumed prior to exercise increase blood glucose, which leads to a sparing of muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, thus enhancing endurance performance. The major ingredient, Isomaltulose, when combined with other carbohydrates, releases a constant stream of energy over a longer period of time. B-vitamins assist in breaking down carbs into fuel that muscles can readily use.

Key Features

B-Vitamins  for  Carbohydrate  metabolism

Carbohydrate  blend  to  slow  energy  releasing

Electrolytes  for  fluid  balance

Available in Lemon and Orange flavors

Shelf Life: 12months


Essenade Pregame is recommended for consumption before the activity, preferably before 3 hours. The strategic timing of this consumption is essential to maximizing the benefits of the product. Carbohydrates in Essenade Pregame, when consumed prior to exercise, play a crucial role in increasing blood glucose levels. This increase in blood glucose leads to the sparing of both muscle and liver glycogen, which is a key factor in enhancing endurance performance. By preserving muscle and liver glycogen stores, athletes can maintain higher energy levels for longer periods, ultimately improving their overall performance during physical activities.

The major ingredient in Essenade Pregame, Isomaltulose, stands out for its unique properties. When Isomaltulose is combined with other carbohydrates, it releases a constant stream of energy over a longer period. This sustained energy release is particularly beneficial for endurance athletes who need a steady supply of energy to maintain peak performance throughout their activities. Unlike other simple sugars that cause a rapid spike and subsequent crash in blood sugar levels, Isomaltulose provides a more balanced and prolonged energy release, ensuring that athletes remain fueled and focused for longer durations.

Additionally, the presence of B-vitamins in Essenade Pregame plays a significant role in the product’s effectiveness. B-vitamins are essential for the body’s energy metabolism processes. They assist in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose, which muscles can readily use as fuel. This conversion process is vital for athletes who require quick and efficient energy sources to support their intense physical activities. By facilitating the breakdown of carbs into usable fuel, B-vitamins help ensure that muscles have a continuous supply of energy, enhancing overall performance and endurance.

Consuming Essenade Pregame before exercise provides several key benefits that contribute to improved athletic performance. The increase in blood glucose levels resulting from the carbohydrates in the product helps preserve muscle and liver glycogen stores. Glycogen is the primary energy reserve stored in muscles and the liver, and its preservation is crucial for sustaining energy levels during prolonged physical activities. By sparing glycogen stores, athletes can delay the onset of fatigue and maintain higher performance levels for longer periods.

The constant energy release provided by Isomaltulose is another critical factor in the effectiveness of Essenade Pregame. Endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners, cyclists, and swimmers, require a steady supply of energy to sustain their performance over extended periods. Isomaltulose ensures that athletes do not experience the energy crashes associated with other simple sugars, providing a more reliable and sustained energy source. This prolonged energy release helps athletes maintain their focus, stamina, and performance, even during the most demanding activities.

B-vitamins’ role in energy metabolism further enhances the benefits of Essenade Pregame. These vitamins are essential cofactors in various enzymatic reactions involved in converting carbohydrates into glucose. By supporting this conversion process, B-vitamins ensure that muscles have a readily available fuel source during exercise. This efficient energy production helps athletes achieve their performance goals by providing the necessary energy to power their muscles and sustain their efforts.

In summary, Essenade Pregame is a carefully formulated product designed to enhance athletic performance through strategic consumption before exercise. The combination of carbohydrates, Isomaltulose, and B-vitamins provides a comprehensive approach to fueling the body for physical activities. Carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels, preserving muscle and liver glycogen stores, which is essential for sustained endurance. Isomaltulose offers a constant stream of energy, preventing energy crashes and ensuring a steady supply of fuel. B-vitamins support the efficient breakdown of carbs into usable energy, further enhancing performance. By incorporating Essenade Pregame into their pre-exercise routine, athletes can optimize their energy levels, delay fatigue, and achieve peak performance during their activities.

Pre-activity consumption, enhance endurance performance, blood glucose increase, muscle glycogen sparing, liver glycogen sparing, constant energy release,


Carb Blend (Isomaltulose, Fructose, sugar, Dextrose and Maltodextrin),Acidity Regulators, Mineral salts, Vitamin mix and natural and nature identical flavors


Empty contents of one packet (20 g) in to a glass. Add 80 ml of cold water, stir well until the powder is dissolved.


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